
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 3 On My Vegan Journey

Today was different. Let me back up to Monday.

On Monday I woke up and after weeks of contemplating this journey, I said, "I'm a Vegan today." It was as simple as that.

Next I had an appt. with my plastic surgeon to have stitches removed from two different cancer sites. While waiting in the waiting room, I picked up the Sept. 2010 copy of Cooking Light magazine and began thumbing through the pages. Much to my delight (and feeling it was a sign from God that I had made the right decision) I noticed that one entire section was devoted to Vegan main dishes!! Whoohoo! I needed some good recipe's.

Well, I haven't picked up a copy of the magazine yet, but I did manage to remember one recipe.

I went grocery shopping on Tuesday and bought the ingredients: 2 large portabella mushrooms, one yellow bell pepper and one orange bell pepper. I also needed olive oil, seasoning (I used one called SPIKE) and balsamic vinaigrette dressing. I simply sauteed the food in the oil and dressing. Next I put it on a sandwich thin (they look like large cookies) and I also used Veganaise (substitute for mayonaise). DELICIOUS!!!

Now fast forward to tonight. I had one mushroom and some leftover peppers in the refrigerator (thankfully!). I needed to make a quick dinner for the kids, so I slipped into Foodlion to buy a rotisserie chicken. DE-BONING THE CHICKEN was the first time I was truly tempted to eat animal flesh. God is good, and I did not give in to my intense desire. I kept thinking that I'm doing this as unto the Lord. It really gave me strength. It also helped knowing that I had such a yummy dinner waiting for me.

God is good!

Side note: I started this thing weighing 126.5lbs (HARSH!) I plan to keep track of my weight to see if I lose any. (I'm hoping I lose about 15lbs!)

I also have noticed that I'm not nearly as hungry as I used to be. Is it because food is no longer an idol to me, or because I do better on a vegan diet? Not sure, just thought I should make a note of that fact.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Sonya.
    Good luck with this. I read a worldwide study from the National Cancer Institute that says that 30 - 40% of cancers can be prevented by changing our diet. That's powerful. I think the food industry is trying to poison the population by using all these additives, hormones, colorings, sugar, fats, etc. We are what we eat for sure. Also stress is a key factor that affects cancer cell rate. Slowing down the mind and the body. Not easy to do, but when our health is at stake....
    Keep us posted and enjoy the journey.
    Pattie L.
