
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Why Vegan?

Why become a vegan?  I have been pondering this question a lot lately.  Actually, I've been fighting this question a lot lately!!  I really enjoy eating meat and dairy products.  So why would I want to give up two food groups???

For me, it is a walk of obedience. If you've seen my profile picture than you have wondered if I color my hair - "No!" I'm a natural blond with fair skin. Multiply that by a pool in my backyard growing up and vacations at the beach every summer to equal SUN BURN.

Now, I'm 43 years old, a wife and mother to six children, and a woman who keeps getting skin cancer. To date, I've had 7 surgeries to remove Basal Cell Carcinoma. Once on my calf, one from each shoulder, my lip (worst one), and twice on my forehead.

I know that Basal cell carcinoma is not deadly. HOWEVER, you have to remove it or it will keep growing and become even more disfiguring. Instead of worrying about getting wrinkles, I fret about how to conceal my latest scars from the surgeries. As I type this, I have stitches in my right shoulder and left calf. Not comfortable, or pleasant to endure.

The doctors all told me to just stay out of the sun. I have been for several years now! No more fun at the beach or gardening because I can't play outside between 9 and 4pm. There must be another way.

I've been praying and searching for another "healthier" way to help my body stop producing these cancers. God led me to a book called, "The China Study," by T. Colin Campbell, PhD. I highly recommend this book to everyone! A must read.

It talks about turning on and off cancer growth by stopping or starting animal protein consumption. And not large amounts of animal protein, but a diet of 20% animal protein will create the right environment for cancer cells to grow 100% of the time. But, drop down to only 5% animal protein and the cancer growth stops 100% of the time.

So, here's where I am today. Unsure if I really believe this. I want to. But really. Is this like one of those diet books promising good results only to later find out that no diet is effective for the long haul? I hope not. Becoming a VEGAN is no easy task!!!

Yesterday, the Lord reminded me of the healing in John chapter 9. There was a man born blind and Jesus put mud over his eyes and told him to go and wash and when he had done this, he was healed and his eyes opened up.

Now, why did this man have to DOsomething to be healed? I don't know except it may have been a walk of obedience. That story prompted me to dive in to becoming a vegan in order to see healing in my body from cancer.

This blog will be where I document my journey (and even some good recipe's). If God is leading you to a healthier way of eating, I encourage you to join me and we can walk this journey together.

To God be the glory!


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